Chapter 21: Engagement

Krsh's pov-

It is finally the day of engagement. Everybody is busy with preparations as the occasion is going to be held in the garden of our house. I can't fucking believe that finally my and Meera's relation will have a name now. I am going to be her fiancee. Thinking about this only makes me feel giddy and fly high in the air. This thought takes me back to the day which has now become one of my most memorable days of my life.

The date was perfect. I hope so Meera thought the same and by looking at her I can say she has the same thought. I literally tried my best to make it the best by arranging her favorite flowers for her food. It took me some time to think how to make it perfect, so I took the help of books she likes to read and managed to arrange something similar for her.

This makes me think about our kiss, our first kiss. God!!! It was perfect. I knew her lips would taste like honey but didn't know it would taste this sweet. I just couldn't control it and wanted more of it, like a person thirsty for water in a dessert. Nowadays the scene of our kissing replays in my mind 24*7 and I have no regrets about it. I even wanted to kiss her more but the circumstances didn't favor it. Ohhh! How I wish Meera to be here with me in my embrace and allow me to taste those nectar again from her luscious lips.

Krsh, control yourself otherwise it will take no time for Meera to run away from you if she gets to know the things you want to do with her. I came back to the reality where I was getting ready for the ceremony. Raghav is with me, "Think one more time Krsh otherwise after this you will only have the option to run away before marriage."

Apparently he was saying that I should rethink my decision of marrying Meera because according to him, I am a devil and she is an angel. So being an angel she would not do such stuns mentioned by him so I should do them so that she will be saved.

"Raghav, stop with your nonsense. At least talk sense for once. I know you have no brain, but being with me for so many years, you should at least have got some common sense."

Listening to me he threw one pillow at me which I dodged very skillfully and laughed at his misery. "Let Meera come on stage, I will tell her your every embarrassing story and not to get married to a devil like you.

I smirked, "This devil only belongs to an angel like Meera and no one can stop me from being hers."

"Look at you being so snobby yet determined. Don't worry, looking at the look you are giving, I am sure no boy will even come near her."

I felt a sense of jealousy rising within me listening to Raghav saying about other boys and before I could fight more with him on this topic, a servant came to inform us that we are called downstairs.















Settling on the big sofa kept on the stage, I can see everybody clearly. Meera has not yet come and I am eagerly waiting for to come and calm my racing heartbeats. Meera's family also came the day before yesterday. Since our house is big mom and dad decided that they will also stay here only. This time only close family and friends were invited since during reception all types of guests from business to distant, all will come so we decided to keep this ceremony intimate.

The decorations are also grand but no media is allowed since I denied knowing that Meera doesn't like being the center of attention and as she will be today I don't want to make her more nervous bringing the media inside. Though there are rumors of me getting married, I didn't deny nor agree on that, since I wanted to clear it all up, once Meera becomes my wife.

I was sitting all alone, waiting for my girl to come when I saw a child running towards me, he handed me small paper and went away before I could stop him. I frowned and opened the paper and what was written in it made my mind go all frenzy, 'Don't marry Meera, she is not good for, she will destroy you'. This is not the first time I am receiving something like this. For the last few days I have been getting messages related that I should break my marriage off with her. All types of absurd things were written along with that. I don't want to believe all the bullshit and I am not. I trust my Meera fully, and if there is something like that, this person should come face-to-face and say it to me.

I have to find out who is behind all this. I kept the paper back in my pocket and as soon as I looked up, I saw my girl, dressed in a beautiful attire, eyes looking down, with minimal makeup coming towards me making me the happiest person in this world. When she came towards the stairs of the stage, I went and forwarded my hands for her to take and without looking at me she kept hers in mine. Though her hands are warm making my cold hands feel at ease, I can feel that she is nervous. Everybody hooted around us and we took our seats.

I was dying for her eyes to look at me, to make this impatient man calm his horses, I went close to her and spoke in her ear, "Angel, you look breathtaking. And I want nothing else to ravish you when we are all alone. Please give this man of yours a single look so that he can fully enjoy the ceremony."

I can feel her heartbeat getting accelerated, her breathing stopped, "Breathe Meera" and she took a deep breath in looking towards me and I. I have died then and there only.

"We know you are eager bhai, but please control yourself, everybody is here." My sweet innocent sister (note the sarcasm) said and before I can say anything mom spoke while showing her eyes which meant it is enough, "Shanaya, bring the rings."

She made a pout and went from there. She came back with rings and mom told me to go first, so I took the ring and turned towards Meera and ever so slightly spoke so that only she could hear, "May I?". She looked at me wide-eyed and then nodded subtly. I smiled at this act of hers, she is so adorable. "Think once again Meera, this is the last chance you have to run away from me, but after this you will be binded with me for the coming seven lives."

"I want nothing more than to be yours and it will be my privilege to have you as my husband for the next seven lives also."

That's it for me to hear and hold her soft hands in mine to make her wear the ring. She can kill me with these lines she says. Krsh, you have to start increasing your vocabulary, otherwise people will think what kind of illiterate Meera has been married with, my subconscious mocked me. I came back to reality when mom nudged me.

Looking ahead I saw Meera waiting with the ring for me. I calmed myself and forwarded my hands towards her. She made me wear the ring and the sound of hooting, and fireworks were heard.

After the ring ceremony everybody went down the stage and now guests have come to shower us with their blessings. We didn't sit for the whole time. I can see Meera getting tired and why not after all we have been standing for straight three hours. I was looking for mom so that she can help her and when I saw her standing with a guest, I signaled her to come.

"Mom, Meera is getting exhausted. How much more time it will take to finish all this. She has not eaten also and like this her health will also get affected."

"Ohhh, my son is worried for his fiancee. Good to see this but I am a little jealous also since I have also not eaten anything and you are worried for her only."

"Mom, please don't tease me na, you know na you are my life but I also know that dad will not let you roam without having any food. You have dad, so Meera should also have someone."

"Hmm, I get it, you all Singhania men are very good at flattering your women. Also don't worry I will send some snacks up here and it will not take more than an hour to finish the ceremony. After that you can take her to eat."

"You are the best mom."

Listening to this, his mom laughed and went away. And as she said, the snacks also came. I asked Meera to sit for a bit and eat so that she can get some energy to again socialize with people.

True to mom's word, the ceremony ended within the next hour and our cousins and friends took us to the eating area. Since Meera was getting all conscious, I gestured to everyone to not tease us anymore and silently eat their food.

I made sure Meera ate enough and was full. Though she denied several times, I had to become strict for once and it looked like it worked on her. Seeing her, I can sense how tiresome this wedding and all can get sometimes. Also baba has told me that she is sensitive and can get sick very easily, so I have to be more careful with her and make sure that all this doesn't get too much for her.

I have to do something. After eating, mom told us to get some rest as after that Meera has to also go, so she will be tired the most. My mood dampened listening to her. I knew that after the engagement Meera had to go, but I didn't want to face the reality. I didn't want her to go. But I think God has other plans for us.

We all retired to our room. Since Meera was surrounded by my cousins and friends, I didn't get time to even say good night or please stay for some more days, I am not ready to let you go to her.

I sighed and changed into sweatpants and a black shirt. I was going to pick up my laptop when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and my jaw dropped on the floor. Because her, in front of me, the reason for me getting up nowadays, Meera in all her ethereal presence wearing a simple white Punjabi suit looking at me with those innocent eyes.

"Umm, can I come in?" She asked, looking so nervous.

I came back to the world not believing that she is actually here. I moved aside for her to enter.

"How did you find it?" I asked her.


"How did you find the room Meera?"

I was literally hoping for her to like it but even if she doesn't, I will change to whatever her choice will be.

"It is beautiful."

"Indeed it is." I said in daze while looking at her and she was looking at me with a confused look. I cleared my throat, "So, you don't want anything to change here?"


I nodded and then I remembered, "Meera, why did you come this late in the night. Is everything ok? Are you ok?"

"I am fine, Krsh, it's just that tomorrow I will be going and I thought I will not get time after this so......"

"What is it Meera?"

She forwarded her hands which contained a small box and asked me to open it. I was confused but then she insisted I do so I opened it and was shocked to find such a minimalist yet a classic watch. I looked towards her, who had such a heartwarming smile. I was speechless, like how, when, why.

"You have done so much for me and in relationships it should work and go two ways. It's not that you have gifted me so I also should have. But before I came, I had already picked this up to give you but never got the right time and I wanted to give you something."

I couldn't stop myself from getting flustered and put my palm on my face to hide it because how can this girl be so enchantingly captivating? I took deep breaths to bring myself to normal.

"Did you not like it? I know it's not a branded one but it took a lot for me to find something similar to your taste." I can see her getting tense and a little sad because of my indecency of not saying anything.

I cursed myself internally, "Meera, God!!!! No. It is nothing like that, baby. It's just that I am speechless looking at this magnificent watch. I don't care how much it is or which brand it belongs to or not, I care about the intention behind giving it." I said keeping both hands on the side of her face. I can feel her getting warm and red.

With a small pout she said, "So, did you like it?"

"Like it? I love it, Meera. From now on I am only wearing this watch and will flex, that my fiancee has gifted me this." I said to make her laugh, which I succeeded in.

I was just captivated seeing those rosy lips of hers and sensing me like this, she also calmed down and was looking at me. I can see her closing her eyes giving me the signal to proceed and without wasting any more time, I crashed my lips on her like I was suffocating and was in desperate need of a breath and this kiss just felt like it was. I kissed her senselessly, thanking her for being here with me, throwing away all the worries of the messages and the letter I received today. I dived in her mouth for a relief of fresh air. And just like that the night also came to an end, from being strangers to fiancee it was a long journey and I can sense from being fiancee to husband and wife it will be a tough one.

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Writing my own fairytale and dancing in the moonlight๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ“–โฃ๏ธ