Chapter 25: Some revelations

Krsh's pov

Right now I am in the train, the same train in which Meera is traveling, though I can't see her right now but it gives me peace knowing that she is near me. I am outside the compartment near the gate waiting for T.C. to come so I can take the ticket even if it means bribing him. For Meera I can do anything and when I say anything I mean anything.

The past month has been heavy for me. To take all the information in, it took all my energy to calm myself down. I got to know things and I am still unaware of many things. From the depth of my soul I didn't want to ignore Meera but I had to because if I didn't as I said her life would be in danger.

When the first time I got the warning letters and messages I ignored thinking it must be a prank or some business rivals plans but it wasn't like any of those things. Abhay, Meera's ex boyfriend. Though I don't have any problem with her being in a relationship, I will not deny I was jealous that there was someone before me who could make her feel things which I am making her feel right now. He is the one behind all this fiasco, he is the one threatening me to break the marriage.

Nobody knows but the two weeks I was away from home, I was in London for a week, the deal I was competing with Ekansh has been given to our company and I went there for confirming it but the next week I was in Meera's hometown and the rest of the work was handled by Raghav. In the meantime, Ekansh and I also became what we can call as close to friends which was not at all expected seeing the rivalry between the companies, but it is a healthy competition so I don't mind it. It killed me when I told her to not call or text me because if I didn't, I would not be able to control myself and then I would not be able to complete the work I was here for. That is why I told my family also that I will not be able to talk to them nor text them and they understood me which I am thankful for.

I met Sakshi, Meera's best friend and I pleaded with her to not tell Meera about this meeting of ours to Meera which she agreed after knowing the reason. I told her that it was some business rivalry kind of thing since I didn't want to worry her. After making sure that she believed me, she said she told only the things from the top since it was not her place to tell me about Meera's past to me. If she believed me enough she would have told me. Her words not mine. I know this is wrong of me, very wrong to do this, but I have tried my best and when it comes to Meera's life I can't take risks even if it means knowing something I should not.

And the things she told me, I was not ready to believe her, heck I was not going to believe that Meera, my Meera went through so much. Thinking about it only is making me feel like to kill myself for not being there. So evidently, Meera has been a child full of life, she was a happy-go-lucky girl, always an outgoing, cheerful and sociable girl. She was a little chubby but imagining her as a chubby girl only makes my heart flutter. But this girl's self-esteem broke when she was made fun of by her own friends in 11th grade. In clear language she was bullied because she was just being herself.

This is outrageous, I want to find those girls and make them face the same thing that my love was feeling. On a mere sixteen years old girl, this would have been too much and if this was not what Sakshi told me next boiled my blood and I was just mere seconds away from killing that Abhay. That bastard met her in college, got into a relationship but it wasn't the best one we call it. I am speechless to the revelations made to me. I couldn't say anything more. I don't know what else to say. Sakshi continued by telling me how Meera told her when she caught her having a panic attack in the middle of the school washroom. She never told her father because she didn't want to give him tension because already her mother was suffering from cancer and this might be devastating if she told them and Rohan was a child. So there was no one to whom she could have said what she was going through. But I know this is not the whole truth, there are some things missing and only Meera could tell me those things.

But then also this is not less. What that little girl must have gone through, how can someone be so crooked. I am just feeling disgusted by those people. I had this urge to see her, to see how my Meera is this strong. After bidding bye to Sakshi, I reached Meera's school where it was time for her work to be over. I can see her but she cannot because of the window being like that. I saw her coming looking for some auto or something. Even on a normal day just like this she is looking so ethereal, so unreal in her yellow color suit radiating the sunshine vibes.

She was looking towards my car but then looked away, oh I so wanted to meet her and kiss her like a tempest raving the shore. I took a deep breath, when I saw her going away in an auto rickshaw. I went back to the hotel. Tomorrow I will meet baba and Rohan and for now I will do my work from the office. That is also pending so much. I seriously need management classes.

As I entered my room I saw that Shubham was calling me so without wasting time I picked it up. The things he told me were not much different but what peaked my interest was the information about Abhay. After telling me about him, I told him to collect more evidence against him so as to not give him a single chance of escaping. He said he will try his best. I cut the call and sat on the bed with elbows on my knees and palm rubbing my face.

I don't know how I will rein in my emotions when I see Abhay face to face. If it was in my hands I would have kidnapped him and then tie him to a chair and torture to my satisfaction. I was not like this, to have such dark thoughts about someone or to torture someone like this but for Meera I can go to any limits even if it means giving myself away. I just want to see her happy.

And I will do anything for it. God!!!! I want to marry her as soon as possible. Now every night is a suffering of agony of being away from her. What might she be doing right now? Is she thinking of me like I am? The time slipped like sand thinking about her and midnight came. I hurried for a shower and then after changing into trousers and t-shirt I picked up my laptop for my work.

The next morning, I didn't even realize when I slept but it would be after three as much as I remember last seeing the time. And now it is nine right now. I quickly freshened up and changed into a little casual clothes, since wearing more formal clothes has caused me a little bit of attention here, then I went down to the restaurant area to eat something. After that I made my way to Meera's house because at this time she will not be at home and this will be the perfect time to meet baba. I hope Rohan will be at home also. It's not like I don't wanna meet, but it will be hard for me to go away once I even see her up close. I reached there in twenty minutes. When baba opened the door after I knocked, he was shocked to see me, but nevertheless asked me to come in.

I got to know he was going to his shop and I asked if I could accompany him to which he agreed. Then we talked about some random things and unfortunately Rohan went to college because his exams were coming and his college made attendance mandatory for all in the last days before exams. But he will come over to the shop where I will meet him which relaxed me.

Baba asked me why I didn't want Meera to know that I am here, to which I answered what I was literally feeling, the feeling of sadness when I have to leave. He smiled and patted my shoulder, "Now I am sure that Meera is in safe hands and so I can die in peace", he said, smiling slightly.

I instantly stopped him and warned a bit to never say that again, because as much Meera and Rohan love him and respect him as a father, I also do that and in fact more, because he is the reason Meera exists, he is the reason I am going to marry to such a wonderful girl, because if he didn't agreed to then Meera also wouldn't want to marry me which I am grateful that did not happen.

Then I asked about Meera's childhood subtly in between talks, which he was happy to tell. Meera as a child is what we can call a complete package. She was bubbly, enthusiastic, always running away, and didn't sit at one place for too long. She was a total sunshine, her laughter was totally contagious, his words not mine. I smiled imagining what that Meera caused to change into today's silent, reserved Meera and then the reason came. I physically have to restrain myself to not punch anything when I think of them.

He told me further that in high school something happened due to which Meera's behavior changed completely. She is not what she was. She never shared because she didn't want baba to take tension because of her because already her mother's health was bad, that much understanding she was. I can see how much baba wanted to be there for her but she never shared and became that mature and big girl who is every father's dream daughter. And when I asked about her mother and her relationship, his eyes showed how much he missed her childhood and days back. She was the heart of their home and the light of her mother's eyes. Her mother pampered her even more than her father which is totally opposite of how it is generally everywhere. Though she was the princess of her father, she was literally her mother's life. Together they played pranks on both baba and Rohan even though he was small and enjoyed each moment to their fullest.

He said that after her mother's death she became completely silent, only talking when extremely necessary. She became mature at such a young age, took all responsibilities over her shoulders all alone, stopped behaving childish, stopped smiling from her heart but since I came, he can see the snippets of Meera from before. He can see that she is smiling heartily nowadays and made me promise him to never break her heart which I didn't know I would in future.

I regret so much now that I will never be able to meet her mother. I so wanted to see Meera from her eyes. I wanted to see that energetic and cheerful Meera, so full of life. I wanted to be there for her in tough times, I wanted to hold her, to tell her that everything will get fine if not good, I wanted to know what she was feeling at that time. I promised Baba in my mind that I will make sure that her childhood Meera will return.

Baba sensed that the mood was a little bit heavy and got serious, so he changed to a more light topic. We then talked for about two hours more and we had to stop because he was late in opening the shop, to which we made our way. Whole day I spent with him was so good. I got to know about their routine, their lifestyle. They are so down-to-earth humans, never expecting only giving. So simple yet so beautiful. I had a slight change of mind that I wished I would live here after marrying Meera, but alas, I couldn't ignore the responsibilities I have and I have to be dedicated to them which baba told me the same. But I decided that every year for a month I will come here to stay with them with Meera after marriage to which he was more than happy to agree.

Rohan also came at around five in the evening after spending one hour more in the shop. Baba literally made us go out and told Rohan to show me around and enjoy a lot. Then I spent the evening with him. Rohan is what we call a cool yet understanding person. He is just like his father, mature yet cheerful and his efforts were seen when he was trying to make me comfortable with him with his talks. He showed me around the neighborhood. There was chaos but yet so calming surroundings which are not found in metro cities. Here life is not moving, it is lived, it is slow but each moment is felt. I was literally falling in love with Meera's hometown.

It was nine when we came back to shop. We helped baba in closing and then I touched baba's feet and gave Rohan a hug as it was time for me to go. Baba was insisting me to stay with them but after a lot of persistence he agreed saying the next time I will come, I have to stay there only to which I nodded. Rohan warned me to never make her sister cry because then it will not be good for me. Baba scolded him for saying this but then he also agreed with him and so Rohan stood adamant to what he said. I was enjoying this little fight between them but then I assured Rohan that I will never do such a thing and after hugging them both and walking till home with them, I went away.

After two days from then, I went back to Mumbai as my stay was completed. The reason I came here was fulfilled, though not exactly but it showed me the Meera I didn't know existed.

Somebody shook my shoulder, which brought me back to reality. I am on the train to drop Meera, but she doesn't know that I am here. I looked beside me to realize who it was, the T.C. I asked him if there is a ticket available and thankfully there was. I had to lie so much to get this one ticket but I got it which relieved me. The seat is perfect for me to see Meera but she will not be able to see me. It was at the side where there are two seats, I got the above one. Meera is in the compartment next to me on the side where there are six seats.

The day went into staring at her knowing she is safe and sound in front of my eyes and her looking out of the window, or reading her current book. The night went into catching some sleep, hoping what the day next awaits.

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Writing my own fairytale and dancing in the moonlight๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ“–โฃ๏ธ