Chapter 32: Always with each other

Meera's pov-

People say that time slips through our fingers like grains of hands, each moment disappearing before we could grasp it. Just like that, our days are also spent away. I can't believe just one week left for our marriage and only a few days for the functions to start. So much has happened from the time of Krsh's accident till now.

I remembered how I slept in his embrace and how it felt like one of the most peaceful sleeps after a long time. Though I was guilty and angry at him that it should have pained him so much but he denied saying that me being in his arms gave him immense pleasure but I can't deny like him. Before someone came I quickly got up.

I also asked if somebody came while we were in that condition and him being the shameless person, said Raghav bhaiya came and the level I was angry at him but can't show him because of his injuries made the urge to put some sense into him more.

And still he has the audacity to reply that I should not mind that he came because he knows everything but will not tell anyone and that I should now get used to this because it will happen more than often. I turned into beetroot listening to him and recalled ma's words that he turned into that five year old Krsh but I didn't know he was shameless also. So I did the only thing I could do, ran from there.

After that I only went to his room with ma or Shanaya. He told me to stay but I ignored him because he knows that I am angry. But he literally turned into a child saying he will only eat with my hands and doesn't want to trouble ma. I think he enjoys making me flustered in front of people and ma being the coolest she is. She agreed to him saying to me that now he is mine so I should also have this responsibility of taking care of him.

And his daring seems to have no end since he showed me tantrums whether eating food or medicines or to sleep. He even asked me to give him a bath, like seriously, even apples would be less red than me. He knows then also he loves to trouble me. He is aware that his puppy eyes are my weakness so every time he gets away by showing them to me.

I sighed knowing he is just like this and I love him and I love all his versions since he is the one who has made me believe in people. I wanted to come home as soon as possible but he didn't want me until his plaster was off. But I was stubborn but also nice so I agreed to stay for only one week more and this time he knew I was adamant so he had to agree with me.

He also solved the matter with bua even though I told him not to but him being Krsh didn't listen to me once. He told her that as much as she has the rights to live in this house and love him, I also have. Also she should think about what she is saying before speaking about anyone's parents or in general. And he further literally threatens her that if she says anything wrong to me again, then it will not be good for her.

I literally had to drag him back to his room because nobody said anything to him seeing him this much angry. He then said that he is not at all wrong and will do the same thing again and the person in front of him doesn't matter who he or she is. If they say bad things about me, then they have to listen to bad things about themselves said by him.

I tried to make his anger less but it only backfired on me. With immense courage I thought that the only way to make his anger go away is by distracting his mind, so I thought to act like I am going to kiss him, but he was a clever man, he took advantage of this before I could even back off and didn't leave me for another half an hour.

Also, I didn't hear from Abhay after I sent him the message. I know I should not focus on this, but still he is out there, somewhere and can do anything. But now I am prepared, one scratch on my loved ones and he will have to pay for it. I asked Krsh about this, but he told me not to worry and focus on him only, the rest of the things he can handle.

All in all the days went quite well. I am happy seeing him go to his usual self, like the goofy and funny person he is. I reached home just after a week as I said and since then I have been busy in school, then with baba and Rohan. At times I also get sometimes emotional seeing them talk about how I am going to go and then they will take a breath of relief. Although I know they were just making fun, thinking about leaving them only makes me miss them more and about how I am going to live without them. They understood my ongoing crisis and now they don't tease me, in fact if such talks even appear, then we try to change the topic or not talk at all.

The shopping for the wedding has all been done. We are on the train right now going to reach Mumbai in an hour or something and this time I will not be coming back. I remember the last time when I was angry with him that he ignored me, he followed me till my home so that I was safe. I truly am blessed to have him. He is just so perfect.

We will be staying in the mansion type hotel where the wedding is going to take place. Krsh called baba asking how much time is there for us to reach. Even though baba said to not trouble himself and we will reach there, stubbornly he didn't want baba to be in any problem. I like how he didn't call me and instead called baba. Only we and tauji's family are here right now. Other relatives will come on the starting of the function days.

As soon as we reached, I laid down on my bed. I can feel my muscles being cramped. I know I just need rest but these feelings from what I got to know, they are pre-wedding jitters don't let me have one. But I decided to give myself full rest as good sleep is the easiest way to make our skin glow. I didn't get to talk with Krsh also as everybody was there and I don't want to be the center of attention which he understood fully without even me expressing it. I thought to give my mind a rest and slowly sleep engulfed me.
















Krsh's pov-

There is another type of glow I can see on Meera's face. She is radiating so differently, the shine she has on her face is just indescribable. There is no limit to how happy I am seeing her living so fully, so freely. I can feel that the old Meera who is that happy and cheerful one is going to be back soon.

But still there will always be my shy and nervous Meera whenever we are surrounded by people. I can see how she was trying to subtly avoid me when I went to see them. Although there are drivers who can drop them, I didn't want to because they are Meera's family. And what is Meera's that is mine also.

Now I am perfectly fit and fine, I am just waiting for Meera to be mine forever. I am just so excited that only a week left after that Meera is going to stay with me, beside me and I can't wait for that to happen. The thought only makes me go insane.

Right now I am on my way to the office where Raghav is waiting for me. We have to discuss a little about Abhay. As soon as my plaster was off my hand I joined the office, and I got to know why we shouldn't procrastinate and depend other's on work. I fully believe that dad and Raghav handled everything well but can't say the same for my employees. They have slacked off a lot and now it's time to get back to track. I am not at all like those arrogant CEOs who like to dominate but sometimes it is necessary to show that you are working in the company, for the company. And for that even if I have to show the power of my position, I will if that means it will lead me and the company to success.

As I entered I saw everyone standing up and wishing me, shivering slightly, I would have wished them back, if I wasn't so into my thoughts about how yesterday because of an employee's mistake we were on the urge of losing a deal and I shouted at anyone for the very first time. I need to be a little strict with all of them. I am so frustrated by this Abhay also.

I entered my cabin, my assistant Ravi walking behind me telling me about today's schedule. I saw Raghav already sitting on the chair opposite the table. I made a round and sat on my chair behind the table opposite to him. I signaled Ravi, that now I have listened to him he can go back and also informed him to not disturb until my next meeting.

"Why do you seem like someone snatched Meera away from you?" As soon as Ravi went outside, not before closing the door, my unfortunate fortunate best friend opened his mouth.

"Raghav, I am really not in the mood to tackle your riddle. Say whatever you want clearly."

"Okay, calm down bro, who pissed you off this early morning?" He said now, getting a little serious. So I told him about yesterday and the person's mistake and the fear of losing the deal.

"Krsh, you can't just go and shout at anyone. You were never like this. Tell me clearly what happened. I know you know something which I don't." He again continued.

So I started to tell him, "You know how we caught Abhay, right. He was hiding, that itself was the biggest proof that he was behind my accident. He also has charges on various crimes. In front it looked like he had this big company of his own which he was working really hard for, but in reality it was just all a facade. Behind it he used to do all types of crime, from human trafficking to drugs, assault and what not. From the day I got to know about him, I told Shubham to keep an eye on him, investigate his company deeply and together we collected evidence. Before you shout at me, I didn't want you to take much stress because you were already handling my company along with yours and then coming to hospital. We have given the court all the evidence but this is not the problem." I rubbed my forefinger and thumb in the middle of my forehead so as to decrease this pain.

"Will you continue because after you complete your story you sure are not going to be able to speak because I will beat you until your mind gets sense."

"Says the one who doesn't have." I replied back smiling slightly. But before he speaks, I said further, "I went to see him the other day, to see how he rotted in the jail but he was smiling like a psychopath. I was confused as to why he was enjoying all of this. But what he told me next made my mind go into a spiral. According to him, he was not alone in this, and he never wanted to kill me. He did what he was told to and he liked what happened to me after the accident. Except for telling me that there was someone with him, he didn't tell me anything. I did everything to know who he was with but all my efforts went in vain."

"Krsh, calm down, getting worked up will not help instead it will harm your health only. Listen to me, what if he is just playing with you. He knows that now he can't do anything so he is just messing with you. And even if there is someone, we will get to know soon. I will help you with this. I will prepare a list of those potential people who are choosing their own death by messing with Krsh Singhania. And you should focus your attention on your wedding."

With a sigh I nodded at him and after that he literally pushed me outside my cabin saying now I should go and enjoy the rest of the holidays he is giving me, as if. Because after that I will not get an ounce of sleep as I will be working day and night off.ย 

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Writing my own fairytale and dancing in the moonlight๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ“–โฃ๏ธ