Chapter 41: The Culprit

Krsh's pov

We reached his house, it was situated at a very secluded place, not many will notice when their vehicle passes through the road. But the highlight was that there were bodyguards at each corner of it. I wonder why he needs so much protection in such a small house at such a secluded place.

Not minding these inconveniences, I proceeded to go inside but was stopped by one guard. I signaled my men to take care and I believed that they could handle them so without much waiting I started going inside with Raghav behind me.

Going inside I first entered the living room with a big sofa and small ones beside its both sides. There were not so many people but only one man sitting at the big couch. I instantly recognized him as Mr. Vishnu.

"Mr. Singhania, what a pleasant surprise? What good deeds have I done to have you in person come to meet me?", he said nonchalantly.

"Where is she?" I asked without any more talks and I literally felt people around me flinch a little with my voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about?", he said.

"Mr. Vishnu, might I remind you about your deeds you do in the name of having a company. What will the stakeholders say if they got to know about your actual job you do? I am sure they will not like it and then your company will go bankrupt.", Raghav said with a chuckle.

I saw him gulping and still having that facade of being unaffected. Suddenly I saw an army of men surrounding us. The house looked even small with so many people inside it.

"You thought I would not be prepared for this. I know that your wife is missing and I am going to send her to the place she deserves. So sad, that it is not even her fault yet she is receiving the punishment for the deed you did.", he said, gritting his teeth and then ordering his men to attack us.

We started fighting and our men also came, but they seem to be increasing in numbers. I was hoping to talk to Raghav when one of Vishnu's men came and punched me in the stomach, not gonna lie, it hurt like hell, but when I saw him with so much anger, he ran away before I could attack him.

I went to Raghav who was busy fighting with five men all together. I can see him getting bruised but trying his best. I myself got several injuries. I helped him to fight, we didn't have time so I told him, I need to find Meera, because I am sure she is here somewhere and I need him to back me up. We also took five of our men because the rest were fighting with others.

It looked like a battleground and I had to think fast about where she could be. I saw Mr. Vishnu was also not here. I looked around here and there, then saw him going in a corridor. I asked Raghav to follow him with me.

The way he was going I was expecting everything, but not an underground stairs. We reached down, and I got to know why it looked so normal from outside. Because here down, it was a whole lot different. Though dark, we could make out there were several rooms for different reasons, there was even a jail at one corner. Some were for fighting, some were being tortured. Now I got to know where he does all his illegal work.

He also disappeared somewhere. Suddenly I heard a whimper sound, though very light I got this feeling that I should go to the last room of this area. My heart was beating fast and Raghav was also behind me.

Now I was close to it, I could hear the shouting of a girl, and not any girl, it was my Meera. I tried to open it but it was locked. I pushed it so hard and on the fifth try it opened and I was shocked to see the scenario in front of me.

Abhay was hovering over Meera and I could see her clothes being torn and she being injured. I was feeling so much anger which was ready to burst out and I felt my eyes going red and veins popping out of my neck. I fisted my hands to control myself seeing her when Abhay spoke, "Man, I have to say your wife is so desperate. She literally jumped on me and couldn't even wait until we went to a room and...", he couldn't finish because I punched him so hard in the face that he became unconscious and I don't care even if he dies.

I went to him and continued punching until all I could feel and see was his blood. Raghav came to me and told me to move away or else I will kill him which was what I was hoping to do. But when he told me that Meera needs me, hearing her name I forgot everything.

I looked behind me where she was and the condition she was in. I felt so bad and like killing this world. Sitting at the corner with her knees close to her chest and hands around the knees, tears continuously flowed down her cheeks and she was shivering. That's when my eyes fell down on both of her arms. She had deep cuts and blood was flowing through it and also I could see the blood on her forehead which was dry.

She resembled a bleeding rose, beautiful yet marked by suffering. I went closer to her and my heart broke into more pieces than it already was. She looked up to me with those gentle eyes with wet eyelashes and murmured in slow voice that it was barely inaudible, "I didn't do anything, he is lying." and there my heart shattered listening to her.

I gently pulled her closer to my heart and whispered, "I know love, I trust you." burying my face in her neck hiding her from this world's cruelty and making myself believe that I have my sanity back, my life back. And as soon as I said those words, she broke down and sobbed and I didn't stop her. Just held her closer, tightening my arms around her.

After what felt like she calmed down a little, I removed my coat and draped it around her and then helped her to stand up but she was looking so weak and was about to fall again when I held her in bridal style. I turned around and saw many men lying down looking as if it was a museum of dead bodies. My men held Abhay and Raghav was checking for anything important left.

As soon as we came up, Meera's hold tightened around my neck when she saw the man who was the reason behind all this fiasco looking straight at us and in turn I assured that she was safe with me and told her to hug me tightly and hide her face from this filthy man.

"You can't go like this. You have to pay for what you did to my son I...."

He couldn't finish since the police interrupted him. I looked towards Raghav and he signaled to me that he called them which I was grateful for. The police surrounded the whole place and even arrested his man and some went inside the house searching for any evidence and clues.

I was still holding Meera who was still sniffing but was only audible to me. I just want to take her in our room and never let her be away from my eyes. My arms tighten around her more than I was afraid if she can even breathe. But her arms tightening around were the only assurance I needed.

I looked back again to see Mr. Vishnu is arrested along with Tara and Abhay. Tara was screaming and throwing tantrums when a female police officer gave her a tight slap. It's wrong to say but I kind of feel satisfaction seeing her being hit like this, because whatever Meera has gone through because of her is not even half of what she is getting. Talking about Abhay he was looking a little tense but I do not care.

I just wanted to know why this all happened, just to kill my Meera or to torture me. I looked towards Mr. Vishnu seeking answers from him, when police asked him the same question. "This man killed my son." he said pointing towards me. I was confused as to when and where this happened.

Now he was looking helpless and looking down he continued, "You don't even remember him. My son, Arjun Swaminatham, was your classmate. He always came second to you in the class. He was a very happy child, less wishes and more love. But when his mother died when was 13 years old, I don't know if it was his coping mechanism. He started studying too much, and didn't make any friends. He was so frustrated about coming second, that he was always studying and never coming out of his room. He became a different child who was also bullied for being too shy. It was his final exams of 11th standard and as usual he was coped up in his room, so I went to him and asked about it. He said to me, "Papa, I am such a loser, I can't even beat that Krsh, he is such an arrogant boy. I want to defeat him and I said you will and he said that he is tired so I helped him to sleep. The next day when he didn't come out to go to school, I went to his room and saw he was hanging through a rope attached to a fan. He, my so-son did su-su-suicide. And it was all because of you my son is not here with me. So I should also take your life away."

At last he started shouting when he said that I was behind his suicied. I was speechless and didn't know how to react when he again continued, "I met Abhay and he had the same plans as me to destroy you so we formed an alliance but he got into jail for his stupidity and I had to bail him out. Until then I tried my best to not let your wedding happen. Why should I not do that, because of you my child is not with me in this world. I have to do everything in my power to ruin your life. Even if I have to kill somebody for that I do not care, I have nothing to lose." he completed and I was in shock.

If Meera would not be with me in my arms, I would have lost my senses here only. I was still absorbing everything when one officer came with a diary kind of thing and handed it to the senior officer who was standing beside the man. Reading the contents he was shocked and when the officer was asked where he got it, he replied from Arjun's room.

Listening to this the officer started speaking, "Nice story you have created Mr. Vishnu, but your son's diary is the proof that you are the reason he had to take this drastic step of suicide. Mr. Singhania, this diary clearly says that Arjun was under a lot of pressure from his father to top in his studies. He would beat every time he would come second or would not get full marks. He used to beg his father to stop but he didn't. Also he wanted to be your friend but this man saw him going towards you, so he dragged him to this house and beat him until he was unconscious. This diary is a clear proof Mr. Vishnu, that you are a father who abused his son verbally and physically, and was the sole reason for his this big step. That day also you didn't go to him to assure him, rather you threatened him that if he didn't top this year in the class, he would take his life and rather than getting killed by you, he would kill himself and he did. And about his mother and her death you only used to make your lie seem believable. It is so sad that a brilliant human being is not in this world because of his father's selfish motives. Take him and Mr. Singhania I will make sure that these three people get much harsher punishment, you must go and take your wife with you. Call the doctor, it seems like you need one."

And then the police went away, taking all his men and other evidence found underground. I made Meera sit at the back of the seat and sit beside her. The whole ride, no one said anything. Everybody was in shock, we didn't even realize when we reached home. I called the doctor, made Meera lie down in the bed, covered her up, where the room was cleaned and I went into the study room to process everything that happened.

Even though his father was the culprit, it felt that I was the reason he had to go through everything with his father. If I was not there in the same school, if I didn't top in the class he might have been still here, alive. He would not get beaten up, abused. I still don't remember very clearly, all my school life has been surrounded by studies, my sister and mom or going to the office with dad. I never was that person who socializes with everyone and every time, I did not do anything in excess just what was needed. But I kind of feel that I am the one behind his death.

I was going through these thoughts only when Raghav came to me and told me Meera had collapsed and lost consciousness. I have lost one person even though it was not my fault, now I can't lose the sole reason for my breathing. Please save her God.

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Writing my own fairytale and dancing in the moonlight๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ“–โฃ๏ธ