It has been four years and a lot has changed in Meera's and Krsh's life. From strangers to lovers to becoming parents they have grown as human beings. They travelled, went on dates which were alternatively organized by both of them, helped each other realize their potential and what more they can achieve. They become parents and though at first scared but having the support of another one and the family they also handled this responsibility like a pro in it.
But it doesn't mean that there were not any struggles, they had but they sensibly handled them. In these two years Krsh has to often travel abroad, specifically Europe countries to expand his business but since Meera has also joined a hospital as a child psychologist, she cannot take so many leaves in a month or a year, so he had to go alone.
This was the time period which was most difficult for both of them, because they both had developed a habit of sleeping in each other's arms. Krsh missed her daily day and night kisses after which his day starts and night ends and Meera missed seeing his face first in the morning and last in the night.
To tackle this they put their video call on for the whole night so the first face they both can see is of each other. Coming back to the present, Krsh has spread his business there and now there are people assigned to control it. Although Krsh has to go there sometimes, it will be like 1-2 times in a year to check if everything is going right.
Now all his time has been dedicated to his family and specially to his twin sons. Yes, he and Meera have twin sons. Meera gave them birth two years back and all the time Krsh never left her side.
They are a happy family. Krsh's bua also had a change of heart when she heard about Meera's kidnapping. Now she treats her just like Shanaya. And every family member is very happy seeing their bond and most happiest is Krsh, that all his family has accepted Meera whole heartedly. Viraj has also started opening up to his family now that he started taking therapy on Meera and Krsh's insistence. Shanaya has started her own fashion clothing brand and her all time is juggled between her work and her two nephews. Raghav has once again started seeing girls on demand of his parents. Raj and Sheela as usual are happy seeing their family together and so strong and dadi always prays for her family's happiness and safety.
Meera's father and brother, Ashok and Rohan also come to meet her and the children. Sakshi though couldn't come to meet Meera personally due to her shifting to abroad for her work has video calls to see her munchkins.
Nevertheless, the babies have become the sunshine of their whole family. Everybody fights with each other to play with them, spend time with them. But once Krsh enters home from his work, the twins forget their surroundings and run to their father although they fall many times in the process. And Krsh being the dotted father he picks them up and then spends all his time with them.
The happiest seeing them is Meera who right now is sitting with everyone in the living room and looking at her life, that is Krsh and her sons, Advay and Arnav. Krsh came late today due to his work and gave her a forehead kiss and a kiss on her stomach sat beside her and here Meera has become a blushing mess. It has been four years and still she blushes like a new bride which makes Krsh feel like he won the world.
Meera is pregnant again and this time they both were hoping it to be a girl. She is 9 months pregnant and the date given by their doctor is next week. So Meera has taken leave from her work month back and yet Krsh also wanted to do the same but Meera denied him saying his employees need him. And Krsh can't be able to say no to her goes to office but comes home in late afternoon only since he can't leave Meera like this.
The family now spends their time after dinner sitting like this, talking about their day, younger ones teasing each other and the cherry on the cake were the two twins who have them wrapped around their fingers.
Seeing them sleepy, Sheela told both of them to go to their room and they nodded. Since Krsh knows that Meera has difficulty climbing the stairs he installed a lift like literally a lift to go on the first floor in their home at the time of his sons only so that she can be comfortable. Although Meera argued with him on this and wanted to know the reason, he just shrugged saying he can't see her in any pain, just a whimper from her and he can destroy the thing which caused her pain.
They both went inside their room, Meera went to change and Krsh made their sons sleep in their bed covering them with blankets as it is the season of winter. Though they have a separate room for them, Meera and Krsh decide that it will be appropriate for them to sleep alone when they will be big enough after 6-7 years. Right now they want to cherish every moment together.
As Krsh stood up, he saw Meera coming out and couldn't believe that this symphony of grace and beauty was all his. Krsh opened the door when he heard the knock. Taking the two cups of coffee and turmeric milk given by the maid he closed the door and went straight to the balcony where he saw his love standing keeping her hands on the railing, her hair flowing with the wind enhancing her beauty.
Keeping the cups on the table, he went behind her wrapping his hands around her stomach and keeping his head on her right shoulder and automatically Meera also sighed and moved back to keep her head on his chest. Giving her a peck on the lips he said, "Thankyou, love for giving me this small world of mine. I owe everything to you as you have made my life more magnificent by giving me these two cute little sons and now our third baby."
"You also have a part in this Krsh. The small world you are talking about is there because you are there with us. I should thank you for always believing in me and not leaving my side even though I was having so many insecurities. I love you." Meera said and gave a peck on his cheeks.
They both then sat on the small couches where Krsh brought the blankets and wrapping them both he made Meera sit in between his legs and both of them drink their beverages taking in the most serene environment thanking god for this wonderful life.
Sitting for more time, they went to sleep on each side of their sons. In the middle of the night Meera felt her stomach paining and soon she realized that her water broke. She immediately pushed Krsh who woke up frantically and seeing Meera he understood that it was time. He started pacing back and forth when he felt a pillow hit on his face. He came back to reality and went running to his parents room.
Here Meera, sighed looking at him. He can never change. Last time also he went first to his parents running as he could not decide what to do in this condition. She tried to keep her calm but the pain was unbearable and listening to her crying, her two munchkins also got up and seeing her they tried to make her calm.
Although they are two years old, they have an understanding of what to do, all because of their understanding parents. Advay was running to the bedside table to fill a glass of water and Arnav was rubbing her stomach to ease her pain, however this pain was not going to go away unless she went to the hospital.
Because of Krsh's scream, all went with him to their room in the process making Krsh calm down instead of Meera, they told him to take Meera to hospital. Meera told Viraj to drive as Krsh was not in his senses and honestly she was wondering if she was really pregnant or him.
Krsh's parents also came and the rest others stayed back home to handle the children.
Reaching hospital, Meera was straight away taken to the operation theatre where she was asking for Krsh although he himself was terrified of how he will see his Meera in this much pain. Reaching inside, he held her hands by the time doctors started the preparation and told her that all will be fine.
After almost five hours of hard work, Meera delivered a baby girl and Krsh fainted seeing her saying she is so beautiful. Meera breathed out and was shifted to another room. When Krsh again came to senses, he asked about Meera and immediately went to her.
He saw her, how she was still sweating, taking long breaths, eyes closed. He went to her and softly kissed her forehead, taking her hands into her, he whispered so as to not disturb her sleep, "Thank you, thank you so much love for completing our family. You have not only given me a baby girl, you have given me a sweet little version of you. Since I can't spoil you because you don't let me much, you can't stop me now from spoiling my mini Meera."
"I will not let you do that." Meera whispered in her light voice as she was still regaining her strength after five hours of work. Doctor came inside to check upon her and said that she can go to her home tomorrow. Nurse brought the baby and kept beside Meera and told us to be careful.
Krsh assured his parents and Viraj to go home as they also need rest. They told them that everyone will come in the afternoon. Krsh again went inside to see Meera looking at our precious daughter. Daughter, this word evokes feelings of protection and love all at the same time for Krsh, he went near her and Meera passed the baby to him. He was scared and shivering, but with Meera's assurance, he took her in his arms. He so wanted the time to be stopped right here. Everything was perfect about this moment.
"Hey baby, I'm your father. Welcome to this world. Mamma and papa love you so very much.", saying this he kissed her forehead and laid her in the crib beside Meera's bed. He looked towards Meera lovingly and told her to take rest.
All the time until his family came, he didn't sleep a wink and just stared at his daughter. He couldn't believe that Meera and him made such a beautiful creation.
By the time his family came, Meera was all freshened up and was laying for another checkup from the doctor and Krsh was as usual playing with his baby. The first to enter were their sons, running excitedly to meet their baby sister and their parents. All the others came behind them.
Meera showed them their sister and after a lot of insistence that they will get to play with her, she was able to give her baby to other family members. One by one every one met her and Krsh and Meera just looked at them and then looked at each other seeing everyone's happy faces.
When the doctor gave a clear signal to Meera and told Krsh everything was fine, they went home with their family. At the entrance, Sheela did the puja of Meera and Krsh and their daughter and then everyone proceeded inside.
It was night time when Meera was looking at her three babies when Krsh sat behind her. Keeping his head on her shoulder he looked at their three munchkins. Advay and Arnav were looking at their baby sister so lovingly and carefully saying 'Mumma look her hands are so small', and then other one saying, 'Mumma her face is also so small and cute.'
Meera and Krsh chuckled listening to them talk to their baby sister. They again looked at each other saying a thousand things of how their life has turned out to be and promised to live their life content with each other and finding ETERNAL SERENITY in small things like this with their eyes and then they sealed their promise with a kiss.
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